Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
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Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Colon Cancer Awareness Month February 26, 2024

Each year, Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) emphasizes the importance of colon screening tests for early disease detection when the disease is highly treatable.  The No One Fights Alone campaign begins March 1 and focuses on the screening guidelines from the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) based on the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendations.  Those who are 45 or older are encouraged to participate in a colon cancer screening for the benefit of their health. 

In conjunction with Colon Cancer Awareness Month, LMHS will provide a free initial colonoscopy screening to 10 eligible Licking County residents.  Individuals, at least 45 years of age, with no pre-existing conditions, have little or no insurance, and are low-income may be eligible to receive the free screening.  Patients must be referred by a primary care physician or gastroenterologist.

Licking Memorial Gastroenterology consists of highly qualified providers who assist in discussing and providing informed care for the prevention of colorectal cancer and other gastrointestinal (GI) concerns.  Our providers adhere to the ACG guidelines, and can assist in prescribing and scheduling needed screening tests.  The staff also partners with the patient to set individual goals for a healthy plan of care.

Contact your primary care physician today to schedule a colon cancer screening or to obtain a referral to visit Gastroenterology.  For more information and resources, LMHS has established a dedicated website,, which contains detailed information about colorectal cancer and features high-fiber recipes and fitness tips.