Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
Community > Press Releases
Dr. Hurley Joins Licking Memorial Women’s Health – Newark Dr. Hurley Joins Licking Memorial Women’s Health – Newark

Be Wise…Immunize Event Provides Free Flu Vaccines in Newark and Pataskala Be Wise…Immunize Event Provides Free Flu Vaccines in Newark and Pataskala

Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) will host the Be Wise…Immunize youth flu immunization event on Saturday, October 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

LMH Hosts Surgery Center Dedication Ceremony LMH Hosts Surgery Center Dedication Ceremony

During a special ceremony on September 13, Licking Memorial Hospital (LMH) dedicated the surgery area in the John & Mary Alford Surgery Pavilion in honor of Licking County residents Megan & Mark Kvamme.

FDA Authorizes Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines for Use as a Booster Dose

Substance Abuse Prevention Event Postponed Substance Abuse Prevention Event Postponed

The community event, Prevention Starts with All: The Chris Herren Story, has been postponed by the speaker due to COVID protocols.

LMHS Hosts Active●Senior Brunch Walk

Preparing for Baby – A Resource Fair Preparing for Baby – A Resource Fair

Community Education: Healthier for Life Workshop Community Education: Healthier for Life Workshop

Healthier for Life is a four-class program that will be held on four consecutive Wednesday evenings, August 3, 10, 17, and 24, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

LMHS Offers Active•Fit Youth Wellness Program Field Day Event LMHS Offers Active•Fit Youth Wellness Program Field Day Event

Join Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) for the Active•Fit Field Day event on Thursday, August 11, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., at Alford-Reese Park (NASA Fields), located at 600 Baker Boulevard in Newark.

LMHS to Host Camp Courage LMHS to Host Camp Courage

Licking Memorial Health Systems is pleased to present Camp Courage, a one-day event for youth, ages 7 to 12 years old, who have had an encounter with cancer through a friend or family member.

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