Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
Community > Classes & Events > Walk with a Doc, March 18
Walk with a Doc, March 18

Licking Memorial Health Systems invites you to a special Walk with a Doc for Colon Cancer Awareness Month on Saturday, March 18, at the Adena Recreation Center in Newark. 

The event begins at 8:30 a.m.  Guest speaker, Don Shipley, will share his story about being diagnosed with colon cancer, followed by a stretching demonstration with Cindy Houpt.  The walk will begin at 9:15 a.m., as David Subler, M.D., of Licking Memorial Gastroenterology discusses information about colon cancer awareness.  Blood pressure screenings, activity tables, and healthy snacks will be available.  The event is free; however, registration is required. To register for the walk, please call Licking Memorial Public Relations at (220) 564-1560.

Location :

Adena Recreation Center

Date :

3/18/2023 8:30 AM